Tuesday, December 31, 2019

an essay on Population explosion

A Hurdle in India’s Growth
It is rightly said that:” The gratest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function.”: For countries like Spain, Canada and Italy, where the population is decreasing, population explosion might be considered as a boon. But for developing county like India, population explosion is nothing but a curse which is damaging the development of the country and its society. As we all know India is a developing nation in the world which has bbeen recording tremendous growth in all fiels.
Big and developed nations like America and Tussia are extending a hand of friensship  towards India for its rapid development in major fields like science and technology. However, the menace of overpopulation is appearing to be a hurdle in our nation’s growth.

Population is one of the key issues in the present era which drags everyone’s attention towards it. Overpopulation is defined as the condition in which the population density increases to loimit that threatents to impair the environment by diminution of natural resourcs, deterioration in quality of life, and population crash.
The problem of unrestrained population growth found to be one lof the major issre of recent time as it affects the welfare and happiness of not only of the citizens of India. But all the world population.

Current population of India as per 2011, census is 1.24 billion. India accounts for only 2.4% of world’s surface area while supports 17.5% of the entire world’s population expolosion shoking isn”t it ?  it is said that the annual growth of population for any nation should be .2 -.5 % while for india it is 2% Ubdua;s oioykatuib at tge tune if ubdeoebdebce was ibkt 52 crore.
Since independence, it has tripled. The phenomenal growth rate is population is largely vecause of the industial and technological revolution that have taken place in the recent ties. The new technologies have not only brought down the death rate because the vastluy improve Medicare resulting in increased life expectancies, gbut has also facilitated increased food froductions take care of food needs of thde incrasing population.

However, in India, one othe factor has contributed to the exponential rise of population and that is poverty. Poor people think that more hand to work means more money wouold come into the household while forgetting that it also means more mouth to feed.
The overpopulation problem not only has environmental concerned but it has also raised serious socio econonomic issues. With thee groth of food grains not keeping pace with the increaig in populations during some years because of the unfavourable weather condition the spectre of hunger haunts millions of households in the country Even when the country is fortunate enough to have a bumper crop these hungry households do not have the economic strength or purchasing power to buy the required food grains.

The phenomenal population growth exerts immense pressure on other basic necessities like education, health, housing , clothing, employement opportunities etc. With employment opportunities in  the rural areas becoming scarce, population explosion is resulting in jobs The increasing pressure oj the urban areas is giving rise to more number of slums and this is multiplying the problems in the urgn areas as health is the first casualty in slums.

To check the ill effects of population growth , the Indian g\government launched the Family Planning program me in 1951 , Tgus was later rechristened as the Family welfare Programmed. This program me promoters on voluntary basis a responsible and planned parenthood . Unfortunately , due to lack of awareness, the population continues to rise at a rapid pace.

Hence, the important thing that can play a vital role in decreasing population is awareness  about its ill effects education and postponement of marrigee until a mature age can also play their part. Better job opportunities and eradication of poverty are also be considered if we want to see some big change.
P.K. verma

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