Tuesday, December 31, 2019


The spirit of equality prevails in the provisions of the Constitution of India, as the main aim of the founders of the constitution was to create an egalitarian society wherein social, economic and political justice is prevailed and equality of status and opportunity are made available to all. However, owing to historicl and traditional reasons, certain classes of Indian citizens are under severe social and economic disabilities. They cannot effectively enjoty either equality of status or of opportunity.
In ancient India, there was a caste system which existed in Hindu religion . In this caste system, the people were divided into four categories i.e. Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and shudra. Howerver, in those tikmes these  were not called castes, Instead, these were termed as ‘Varnas’ during the Vedic period a person’s varna was clear by his/her socio-economic duties. These duties were either performed of one’s own accord or were assigned by the local superintendent and Varna was originally not clear by one’s birth in to any family.
Nevertheless, over the years, as far as anyone of us can remember, caste has been defined by one birth .Nobody know when or where it was decided that the Shudras were the untouchables and did not deserve he respect of the society. It is horrifying to read one of the Hindu scriptures says that:” The Shudra must not acquire knowledge and it is a sin and a crime to give him education. If the shudra intentionally listens to, for committing to memory, the veda then his ears should be filled with molten lead; if he utters the veda, then his tongue should be cut off.https://studymaterialsarkarijob.blogspot.com/
One can easily imagine the devastating result such thinking must have had on the life of the shudras. They vecame outcasts and suffered all atrocities of the so called upper castes. They were denied the right to make their life comfortable. At the time of independence, the makers of the constitution had rightly visualized that this deprived section of society needed emancipation through education and employment opportunities. Hence, reservation for the backward classes, scheduled tribes and scheduled castes was essential in order to bring them at par with the others.
It was an attempt to create equality and equity in educational, economic and social areas. There is no doubt that such reservations has actually helped the backward section of the Indian society. It has helped them to come forward, became a part of the mainstream claim equal rights and opportunities that they had been denied for ages. But over the Years. The reservation system seems to have lost its way.
While providing privileges in the Constitution for a limited period of some years, it wass felt that the feeling of casteism would vanish But even after about seven decades of independence, the reservation based on birth in a particular caste continues, and has rather, widened the cate differences . One may ask if a candidate really needs reservation, in case he belongs to a well of family and has never in his life experienced any kind of discrimination.\
However, a majority of the backward classes are not living any diffenrently than before because their subsistence is meager and rural lifestyle does not provide them with any o0f the benefits ermarked for them in the Constitution. The worst thing is that many are not even aware of these policies, especially in the interior parts of the nation. Thus, a distinct economic class system exists within the backward classes .
Mostly, undeserving people have gained the advantages and the deserving ones are still without any significant positive change in their plight. Moreover, reservation has become an electoral  tool nowadays, No doubt, the youth of this nation are against such a blend policy where the beneficial are not reaching the right people. However, it is also true that discrimination based on caste is still a part of the Indian society.
The policy needs some radical changes. The time has ome to identify the section and more importantly. Families of the backward classes that are the ideal and genuine candidates for the reservation system.

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