Monday, May 18, 2020

difference between each and every

Difference between Each and Every

Each and every in meaning same . Each is used two or more than two. Every is used more than two.

For an example- (a) Each of the two boys gets the book.                              (b) Every student gets a book.

Ø  Each is used for certain number. And Every is used for uncertain number.

·         Each of the ten students gets a prize.
·         Every candidate was given a certificate.

Ø  Each is used where separation or individuality need. And Every is used for group of action.

·         Each student went to meet the chairman in line.
·         Every student has a book.

Ø  Each is as a pronoun or adjective so we use of with it and Every is used as an adjective so we do not use of with it.

·         Each of the students is doing his home work.   (right)
·         Every of the students is doing his home work .   (wrong)

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